János Hegedüs

(around 1725–after 1782)

Felsőőr (today: Oberwart, Austria) – Hidashollós (today: Egyházashollós, Hungary)


Hegedüs family in Vas county

→ János Hegedüs (1725?-1790?)

János Hegedüs (1763–1803)

Mihály Hegedüs (1797–1827)

János Hegedüs (1819–1870)

Béla Hegedüs (1858–1945)

Dr Ödön Hegedüs (1905–1997)




There are lots of questions about the first identifiable person in our family tree. It is perhaps him who is mentioned in the list of the nobles of Vas county of 1781/1782: “In Hidas-Hollós. Joannis olim Hegedüs filius pariter Joannes ex Possessione Felseő-Eör oriundus, at Annis abhinc circiter 30 inde abscedens habet filios Joannem et Franciscum.” (Source: Miklós Schneider: Vas vármegye nemesi összeírásai, Kőszeg, 1941-1942.)


It suggests that he moved from Felsőőr to Hidashollós around 1750 (“approx. 30 years ago”). Therefore, he was probably born between 1720 and 1730. His father’s name was János too. We do not know his mother’s and his wife’s name.


He had two sons, János and Ferenc, who are mentioned in the Latin text. They both lived in Hidashollós and established their families there. According to the marriage and death records in the church books of the Calvinist (Reformed Church) community of the neighboring village Magyarszecsőd, János was born in 1763, and Ferenc in 1764.


It is highly probable that this János Hegedüs is mentioned in the Urbarium of Hidashollós as “Hegedős János Nemes / Pußtája” – “János Hegedős Nobleman / His Uncultivated Plot”:




source: Maria Theresa Charts on Serfs’ Duties, http://archivportal.arcanum.hu/urberi/opt/a130904.htm?v=pdf&a=start

VAS county – HidashollósKörmend photo 0000083.ewc


The Urbarium was compiled in 1767 with the purpose of setting the taxes, corvée and other obligations of serfs (peasants personally dependant from their landlords). According to the Urbarium, in Hidashollós there were 5.875 plots on a territory of 228 Hungarian hold (approx. 243 acres) with 29 serfs, 12 landless serfs and 2 serfs who did not even possess a house. (The figures refer to heads of families.)


János Hegedüs was a nobleman, but he lived on a “serf plot”, and therefore he was obliged to pay certain taxes to the landlord of Hidashollós, count Adam Batthyány-Strattmann. According to the document above the size of the plot was only 3/8 of a standard serf-plot, albeit it was still larger than the quarter-plots owned by the other serfs. The size of the cultivated plot was 5.5 hold, and he had half a hold of uncultivated land (“puszta”). Altogether he possessed over 2.5 hectares of land, which is approx. 6.2 acres. Based on the size of his land he was obliged to do labor service – either 18 days with a cart and two horses/bulls or 36 days of manual labor. Moreover, he had to pay annually 1 golden forint to the landlord, 3/8 cord of fuel, 2 pounds of hemp, ¼ “icce” (approx 0.05 gallons) of butter and a capon. The tax called “ninth” was to be paid to the landlord “in natura”, i.e. 10% of the produce instead of cash.


That is all the information we have about János Hegedüs. We could not find his death record in the church books of Magyarszecsőd. Perhaps he was still so closely linked to his native Felsőőr that he was buried there, or his death record was written in the church book of the Calvinist community in Felsőőr.